Remote Staffing Solutions at 70% Less.

Hire Remote Talent to Outsource All Your Business Processes

We manage your remote team from hiring and training to payroll and employee benefits for an affordable fixed hourly rate so you can focus on what matters the most.

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Avg. Cost Reduction


First Match Success Rate


Retention Rate 

Delegate & Grow Your Business

We handle everything from handling calls & email management to data entry & social media marketing.

Hours Saved
0 +
Industries Tapped Into
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Why Choose Us?

Find experienced remote professionals for less and gain an edge over your competitors.

Transparent Pricing

With our clear pricing, you pay a fixed cost every month, free from hidden costs or surprises and you only start paying when you select the candidate.

Serving All Time Zones

Your remote employee works on your preferred schedule, covering any time zone you want, for seamless coverage across any region


Choose full-time, part-time, or a custom plan. Scale your team size up or down as needed, and replace staff without any long-term commitments.

College Educated

Our remote staffing solution offers a talent pool of English-fluent, highly skilled professionals with a college education, ensuring you access top-tier candidates for your needs.

Tailored Expertise

Hire professionals trained in your industry, whether it's insurance, healthcare, real estate, or beyond to meet your unique business needs.

Supervised Office Environment

Our remote employees operate from a supervised office, ensuring full-time hours and effective management for your peace of mind.

Benefits you get from working with us

Let us handle your repetitive tasks or any back-office activities that hinder your focus on core business operations.

Save on Employment Costs

Save on insurance, healthcare, and other employee benefits by paying only for the hours worked. We handle these overheads, leaving you free to allocate resources where they're needed most.

Payroll Management

From tax compliance to salary disbursements, we manage all aspects of payroll for your remote staff.

Reduce Turnover

By hiring pre-vetted, motivated professionals, we increase employee retention, reducing turnover. Plus, if someone leaves, we swiftly provide a substitute, ensuring uninterrupted business operations.

Our Services

Remote Staffing Service

Trust our remote specialists with this diverse range of responsibilities, backed by the confidence of small to medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs.

Tasks we can handle remotely:

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Live Answering Service

Experience the convenience and effectiveness of our live call-answering service tailored to your business needs.

Our Offerings Include:

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Choose us for your peace of mind.

Hiring a Remote Staff made ezy

choose plan

Our initial consultation uncovers everything you’re looking for in a remote team member for your office.

we match you

You receive the top rated resumes that match your needs and wants so you can judge beforehand who you’ll be interviewing.

we listen you

Your first week is on us. You get 40 free hours to try out your new assistant.

Unsure which tasks to delegate?

Curious about our services and how we can assist you further? Schedule a free consultation to learn more and discuss your specific needs.

What our clients say?

What our clients say?

Start Your 40-Hour Free Trial Now

Finding the right employee is crucial for your business’s success. If you’re hiring remotely, let us assist you in selecting the perfect fit from our pool of college-educated remote professionals. Delegate your tasks to us and watch your productivity increase.